0-6,5 PS
Plywood, metal, silk, color, liquid-pumps, steel-springs
275 x 86 x 86 inches (2007)
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The installation „0-6,5PS“ is referring to a historical project to produce energy - a secret built tunnel system. Until today the exact dimension are unknown. The tunnel was build under a city by J.R: Meyer in between the 18th and 19th century. With the help of waterpower he gained water for his silk weaving mill.
In the installation instead of waterpower the kinetic energy of the visitors is used. If one enters the exhibition space through the tube like architecture the structure is going to start moving within a certain frame. Through pumps, which are attached at the outside of the object the generated energy is used to distribute a colours liquid. Because of the architectural structure, the visitors don‘t notice that they take part of gaining energy while they are inside the tube. Just when they leave the structure again they notice that they took part of the production of the images which were created by the pumps that spread the colour at the wall.